2D Animation- Did CAP and Covid Support Measures Have An Influence On The Price Of FPP?
European Potato Processers’ Association (EUPPA) represent the potato processors industry in Europe, its members comprise of 6 national associations based in Belgium, Germany, France, Italy, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. On top of this, they have 16 individual companies associated with them, who make up for more than 90% of processed potato production in Europe.

The EUPPAs’ mission is too create a highly innovative, sustainable, competitive industry; to achieve this, they are trying to communicate all their values and concerns to relevant stakeholders. All members of the EUPPA sell cross borders, offering a wide range of products using the excellent reputation of the European cuisine.
They believe their role is to defend the interests of members on a Europeans level and together create a sustainable future.
Europe is the 2nd largest grower of potatoes worldwide, the whole of Europe grows a whooping 122 million tonnes of potatoes and is worth more than 10 billion Euros. According to World Potato Markets, in 2019, the EU total exports of processed potato products was €1,788 billion, it is clearly a fast growing industry, partly down to the high yields of potato crop in Europe and large production facilities.
The Task
Did CAP and Covid-19 affect the prices of FPP?
EUPPA came to Painting Pixels for a 3-4 minute 2D animation to answer and explain this question; the short answer is no but they wanted to explain why it wasn’t and other policies that have been put into place that have affected the potato production industry.

For example, the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) has provided help for other agricultural products such as, milk, peas rapeseed oil but ware and seed potatoes have never been included in that list since 1957. Our 2D animation explains this in more detail.
2D animations are a concise, easy-to-understand and interesting way to get information across to all individuals. They highlight the key points in a visual manner, all in a few minutes. We may be biased, but it’s definitely worth having us make your company a 2D animation to explain exactly what you want!
We began this 2D animation in the same way we start them all, with an idea. Once the idea has been created we swiftly get started on the script, the client has a lot of input in this part of process as we sent all drafts to them and wait for any changes to be made, this is so the client has complete control of the direction we go in.
Once the script is ready, we scroll through our library of voiceover artists and choose one which is best suited.

The project is now handed over to our artists, first they create a basic doodle board to outline what each scene is going to contain. The detail of this is dependant on requests from the clients, some may wish to see it before production begins, others don’t, therefore each doodle board is very different.
It’s now time for production! Our team of artists use Adobe After Effects to design bespoke graphics for each animation, making each one unique.
The first draft is completed and sent to the client, it is then a process of making any changes desired by the client.
Once we have reached perfection and all parties are happy with the final outcome, it is released to any social media platform chosen!
The final product came out fantastic, answering the big question but also telling the world about the potato production industry, it was very educating!

Overall, we thoroughly enjoyed working with our friends over at EUPPA and hope they did just as much!
To see what else we have to offer, check out our portfolio where you will find 2D animation, 3D renders, graphic designs and more!
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