The importance of 3D Animation and Modelling
As technology advances, the costs of having a large monitor or TV becomes far cheaper and nearly everyone has a phone capable of playing rich multimedia. Helped by new hardware, software and desktop browser technologies, the types of content that people receive have become far more visually appealing. Gone are the days where you had to describe your products or services with multiple paragraphs of text, confusing your potential clients or customers. 3D animation is here to solve these marketing issues!
3D animation and product modelling have become very affordable and businesses are turning to this useful technology more and more every day. The importance of 3D animation is that its a great way to visualise any product, process or service in a more visual, easy to understand and clear manner. Also, people are far more willing to watch a 30-second animation describing a business or product than spend even 5 seconds reading about what a company does.
The possibilities of creating and visualising anything in a virtual 3D environment is endless. It allows you to demonstrate anything imaginable from a new product, which is still to be manufactured saving costs on prototyping to creating a full-3D animated cartoon for TV or even bringing presentations to life.
Once an animation has been created it can be used in many ways including being displayed on TV big or small, included in presentations and even uploaded to a website.
Hopefully, that explains the importance of 3D Animation and Modelling.
At Painting Pixels our team of talented artists are able to help your organisation create unique and engaging 3D animations. We can create any form of 3D animation or render no matter how complex or obscure, such is the beauty and importance of 3D technology, where the only limitation is the imagination.
Here at Painting Pixels, we can produce a full branding package that will work well with your whole company image, fonts, styles, layout, logo, and colour range – assets that work in perfect sync with your logo, website, printed leaflets, business cards and more. Check out our 3D Animation Service page to see our professional designs for yourself. And be sure to check out our YouTube Channel for more interesting and entertaining content.
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