Earth Day 2021

Every individual and business can play it’s part to help the environment and lower carbon emissions. Every tiny positive step we all take adds up to make a massive difference.
Businesses consume a lot of energy and usually generate a large carbon footprint.
As a small business, it’s difficult to become fully carbon-neutral as we cannot dictate suppliers or products; but where possible, we are doing our part, as even the small things help!
• Turning off the office lights and computer equipment at night
• Opening the window rather than using air-con
• Using servers provided by carbon neutral companies
• Using computer equipment created by companies that emit low carbon or becoming fully carbon neutral
• Being a fully paperless studio
- Recycling all possible packaging from deliveries
Do what you can, as even the little positive things count and all add up to makes a big difference.
Have a look at to see what you can do to help!
Find our more about Painting Pixels CSR efforts visit
#earthday #earth day #earthday2021 #lowercarbonfootprint #savetheplanet #paintingpixels #doyourbit
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